Growing Branches Counseling | 7450 Dr. Phillips Blvd., Suite 312, Orlando, FL 32819 | Call:  689-307-8002
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What happened to the 2018 Intentions?



Hi there!  It’s the 11th of January already, can you believe it? If you are anything like me, you may have already strayed from your intentions to take care of all those “things” in the new year that you wanted to be purposeful about.  Life sort of takes over when our best intentions are forced back into the real world of January 2nd.  This may be the time to give yourself some grace for the exercise routine that may have fallen short, or the clean eating that got a little messy at the McDonalds drive thru, or the new budget that somehow was forgotten about.  Whatever your vision is for 2018, there is still time to get yourself back on track….lots of time, actually 354 days worth of time.

Change isn’t immediate.  Meaningful change results from a series of small changes that create the shift over time.  So while I may have created an intention to go to yoga 2-3 times a week in 2018, the truth is that I haven’t been there once this year….all 11 days of it so far.

But!!!  I can and will be kind to myself and give myself the grace I need to get moving.  Maybe the intentions we set for ourselves need a bit of incubating during the winter months so they can bloom in the spring?  Just a thought.

Maybe you can join me in being kind to yourself, providing grace for your foibles and together we can do the same for the rest of humanity.  After all, isn’t spreading kindness what life is all about?